If there ever was a way to recharge the senses and get a person motivated, it would have to be a gorgeous sunny Fall day. The array of beautiful colored leaves falling slowly to the ground. The light breeze that feels cool in the morning and just right during the peak hours of the day. Clear blue Carolina skies. The warmth of the sun that hits the face instantly providing relaxation, serenity & tranquility. Perfect conditions for doing a little writing.
Oh yes, no doubt, there are a million other outdoor activities I could be doing to take advantage of the prime weather conditions...like mowing my yard or trimming back the bushes in preparation for Winter. But instead I prefer to use this perfect day to do a little writing on my book. This weather is exactly what the doctor ordered! If these conditions can't inspire me to work on my novel then I don't know what would. Yes...this is indeed the epitome of the perfect conditions in which to write.
Thus far today I've managed to work on Chapter 51 of my book. I had started this chapter prior to what I like to call my 'writer's fallout funk', that had invaded my being over these last three weeks, causing my inability to focus and just allow the story to write itself. Not only had I started this chapter but in the midst of beginning this chapter, I was prompted to write Chapters 52 & 53 in the process because I had one of my writing surges that would not let me alone until those chapters were cranked out. When I finally got back to working on Chapter 51, that is when I hit the brick wall and my mind went blank. It wasn't like I had no idea what the chapter would be about, but the words would not come.
Today is a different story (no pun intended), however. I've finally overcome the mental fog that had made itself at home over these last three weeks. And I have the beautiful weather to thank for it. The words are once again flowing and I'm already seeing the need to edit Chapter 51 down to an acceptable length. LOL
Well...just wanted give you a little update while I was taking a little break! But now break's over & I'd better get back at it.
Until next time....Dawn

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