After working on my first novel for the past thirteen months, I am happy to announce that IT IS FINISHED!!!! Yes...I managed to finish it up this week!!!

I don't know when I've been this excited!! My novel is complete!! I have a few edits of about 6-7 chapters to finish up, but the toils of writing the novel are finished!

I made the announcement to my friends & I can't believe all the outpouring of support from everyone who are cheering me on and wishing me luck with the publishing process. I even had one of my friends who is a Senior Copy Editor for a newspaper ask if I needed an editor! How cool is that??? Of course I need an editor...especially if I intend to get published!!

So..now the real work begins! I have already been doing my homework as to what the publishing process entails. I know for this phase of it all, the main thing I need to remember is...patience! I'm gonna need a lot of it I realize and I'm optimistic that maybe if I prepare to be patient then my wait to get published won't be as long as it is for some!

So...keep your fingers crossed for me and keep sending up those good thoughts! I need all the votes of support I can get.

Until next time...Dawn